
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Moving on Up!

So after a long time coming, Mayah and I are finally moving into our own apartment in Cambridge and though I am some what nervous about being completely on my own with Mayah, I know I can handle it. It will just take a lot of getting use to. I also must admit that with new spaces, comes new design opportunities and that makes me very happy. Here are a few pics of the new place. Lots of big windows, I love the light that comes through!
IMAG2444     IMAG2455
Since deciding to move I have been looking around for design ideas. and as those that have lived in rental apartments know, we are very limited as to what we can do. Basically no painting! dashed hopes. I’ve  dreamed of painting cream walls with a muted lavender or a slate grey. But, oh well moving on to what I can do. So as usual I went on to Craigslist to see if I could find inspiration and after a few days it finally happened! I found this beautiful Chinese Chippendale style dinning set.
Chinese Chippendale 2  Chinese Chippendale 3
So these pictures are not the best and I don’t have a really good one of the dinning table, as I mentioned I am boxing up things and getting ready to move but you can see the back of the chairs and the legs. At this moment they look pretty bad but with a little TLC I know they will turn out beautiful. I research I few sites and found this as inspiration…

The site Charlotte & Ivy has tons of different looks created with Chinese Chippendale chairs. I am very excited to start on this project, and finally see it set up. Make sure to check in to see the reveal of my Chinese Chippendale before and after!

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